Boelter Design Co.

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Expand Your Business By Creating Products For

What is Creative Market?

1. Another Platform To Sell Your Products, Designs, And Illustrations is a platform for handcrafted designs from independent creatives around the world. It’s a website where creative shop owners can sell beautiful designs. Most of these downloads are targeted to designers to help in creating their own products. For instance, I recently uploaded my first product, Hand Lettered Christmas Overlays, which is hand illustrated typography that includes 45 Christmas overlays intended to help designers create custom gifts, mugs, holiday cards, and more.

2. Expanding Your Business Across Platforms

Creative Market has become a marketplace for creatives to place products for sale in a network of 2 Million members. Although I also have my product available on my personal site, I decided to expand my business to Creative Market because they have such a wide range of customers. It’s best to make all your work available on as many platforms as possible.

The more exposure your products have, the better a chance it's purchased.

The marketplace is full of fonts, graphics, website themes, and more. It’s yet another reason why expanding your products to Creative Market is beneficial. Customers that are looking for fonts or other types of graphics, may stumble upon your products on a whim. The customer may not purchase your product then, but they could add it to a Pinterest board or remember it to purchase at a later date. I’ve used Creative Market for years now, and I’ve always returned mostly because I remember having seen a cool font or website theme beforehand, only to return to purchase it.

Becoming A Member and Opening Your Shop

1. Apply For Your Shop

Before you can open your shop, you must be accepted by Creative Market. You'll have to initiate an invitation to become a member. Just like filling out an application, Creative Market asks for your social networks, shop links, and any other websites you might sell on. I listed my personal website, portfolio site, society6 shop, Facebook and Instagram. They said they’ll respond within 2-3 days, but I heard back the next day which was great news!

2. Open Your New Shop

Once you are accepted into their marketplace, your next step is to update your personal shop profile. Like most profiles, you’re able to upload a profile pic, header image, and biography. Some profile attributes include adding a location, website, and social networks. What is really cool about opening up a shop on Creative Market is the tools at your fingertips. Under your profile, they provide a sales chart, number of views, and list how many likes your products have. This can be beneficial as you start placing more products for sale, and see the stats according to what products are selling best, or what imagery gets more attention.

Adding Your Product To Creative Market

1. Upload & Setting Up Your Product Descriptions

Once your shop is setup and you’re done creating a gorgeous new product, it's time to upload and share it with the world. Creative Market makes adding a product easy with being able to select attributes for describing what you’re going to sell. For example, when I added my Hand Lettered Christmas Overlays, I was able to select “Yes" for Vector. I was able to select the file names available for my download, like .PNG and .EPS, and I was able to select the software requirements, such as Illustrator CS1, for the products. These listed selections made for a quick upload, and ultimately help the consumer determine if this product is useful.

2. Creating Imagery to Catch Consumers Attention

After you’re done selecting your product attributes, one of the most important parts to your upload is creating stunning imagery for your product previews. Having gorgeous shots of the product in use will help with successful sales. Although finding great images can be a burden if you’re not looking to spend money on great photography, don’t settle for ugly photos or none at all. You most likely spent a long time creating your product, so it’s best to invest in yourself and spend money a few great photos from iStockPhoto.

Dress for success – This phrase should also apply to your products.

3. Setting Prices For Your Products

Creative Market lets you price your own work. I’ve always had a hard time pricing my own products, but I found a great article on their blog, which can help you find the best price for you and your customers.  Once you’re done pricing your product and made it available, it’s time to earn 70% on each sale and have the flexibility to upload it to your personal store or elsewhere. It’s nice they don’t have exclusive rights to your product.

Time To Celebrate, Wait For Your First Sale, And Celebrate Again!

Good Luck on setting up shop and creating products to share with the world. It will be beneficial, and can only help increase your exposure across the web. Please, take a peek at my store and follow Boelter Design Co on Creative Market today! All your support means so much to me. 

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